[Speed] Results of CPython benchmarks on 2016

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 19:22:31 EDT 2017


Before removing everything from speed.python.org database, I took
screenshots on interesting pages:

* Benchmarks where Python 3.7 is faster than Python 2.7
* Benchmarks where Python 3.7 is slower than Python 2.7
* Significant optimizations
* etc.

CPython became faster on many benchmarks in 2016:

* call_method
* float
* hexiom
* nqueens
* pickle_list
* richards
* scimark_lu
* scimark_sor
* sympy_sum
* telco
* unpickle_list.

I now have to analyze what made these benchmarks faster for my future
Pycon US talk "Optimizations which made Python 3.6 faster than Python
3.5" ;-)

I also kept many screenshots to see that benchmarks are now stable!


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