[stdlib-sig] Proposal: new "interpreter" module

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Apr 8 21:52:34 CEST 2008

On 2008-04-07 22:41, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Some comments:
>> The rational groups the function in two groups and this grouping
>> makes a lot of sense.
>> However, your proposal later on doesn't use this rational in any
>> way.
>> IMHO, it would be better to keep a "sys" module that exposes everything
>> you have in group 1 and an implementation specific module "cpython"
>> that exposes everything you have in group 2.
>> If an applications needs CPython specific features it would then
>> import cpython. This would make things easy to see in the source
>> code and also raise an exception on platforms where this module
>> is not available, e.g. Jython. The same could be done for
>> other Python implementations, e.g. have a "jython" module for
>> Jython specific things, "ironpython" for IronPython, etc.
> I think the idea is nice, but PyPy couldn't really expose a "pypy"
> module, since that is the namespace the implementation itself is living
> in. Maybe add a suffix to the implementation name? cpython_vm or so.

Actually, that's not really a problem ... the pypy package
will already expose all the PyPy specific APIs. Looks like
a time-machine was at work ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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