[stdlib-sig] tkinter package idea
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Wed Feb 20 11:27:14 CET 2008
On 2008-02-20 11:05, Brett Cannon wrote:
> While I would rather have a tk package (heck, I would be fine with
> ditching Tkinter entirely, but I really don't see that happening), but
> the Tkinter name is so wide-spread I don't think that is reasonable.
Hey, it's Py3k...
> So here is my current thinking:
> Tkinter -> tkinter.__init__
> Tix -> tkinter.tix
> turtle -> tkinter.turtle
> tkSimpleDialog -> tkinter.simpledialog
> tkMessageBox -> tkinter.messagebox
> tkFont -> tkinter.font
> tkFileDialog -> tkinter.filedialog
> Tkdnd -> tkinter.dnd
> Tkconstants -> tkinter.constants
> tkCommonDialog -> tkinter.commondialog
> tkColorChooser -> tkinter.colorchooser
> SimpleDialog -> tkinter.simpledialog
> ScrolledText ->tkinter.scrolledtext
> FixTk -> tkinter._fix
> FileDialog -> tkinter.filedialog
> Dialog -> tkinter.dialog
> Canvas -> tkinter.canvas
> I know Guido has said he doesn't like stuffing a bunch of stuff into
> the __init__ of a package, but considering none of the other modules
> are worth anything without the main Tkinter module anyway I don't see
> any issues here.
I usually put all the package top-level code into a separate
module with the same name as the package.
__init__.py then imports all the necessary symbols from that
These are problems I've had with putting code into __init__.py:
* if there's a bug in __init__.py it's impossible to load
sub-modules/packages; if you import the code from another
module, you can wrap that into try-except and still get
access to the sub-modules
* a user will typically not look into __init__.py to find
If you name the package "tk" you could name the main module
"inter" and then end up with "tk.inter" which again resembles
the widespread Tkinter name.
I'd much rather see Tkinter and all the other bits be split
from the core and placed into a separate distribution, but the
IDLE fans would probably not like that.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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