[stdlib-sig] should we try to add argparse?

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri Sep 11 13:03:52 CEST 2009

Le vendredi 11 septembre 2009 à 11:51 +0100, Paul Moore a écrit :
> So, while I don't necessarily want "newest, greatest and best", I do
> expect "up to date, production quality, and current good practice".

Well, optparse *is* production quality and rather good practice.
It may not be the best API out there but it's certainly robust,
functional, and doesn't have any glaring flaws (like security or
performance problems).

> If
> I wanted unchanging, I wouldn't upgrade my Python installation.

There are lots of reasons for upgrading a Python installation, some of
which having to do with upgrading your whole system (especially if
you're under Linux), some of which having to do that older versions
ultimately don't get supported anymore, even for security fixes.

Anyway, I think Barry finally hit the nail on the head: if we include
something "better" than optparse, then we simply have to deemphasize
optparse in the documentation and emphasize its new replacement, so that
people know what to use for new programs.

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