[Texas] pycamptx meeting the weekend of 15, 16 August down in Houston, all are welcome

Jason Galyon jtgalyon at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 23:57:29 CEST 2009

I am heading down to Houston on the 14th to have what should be a
shortish meeting on the 15th (Saturday) regarding planning for Texas PyCamp.
Issues outstanding to cover:
 * venue (still if'y)
 * sponsors
 * publishers (O'Reilly will send books and discounts)
 * correspondence (for sponsorship, attendance from businesses and
schools, and announcements on the various lists and blogs)
 * budget and finances
 * recording
 * speakers and talks

The plan is for a 1/2 day of formal conference events (speaker plus
talks) and then 1 day of un-conference.
Following will be sprints with topics TBD (send your ideas in).

This will be an exciting event that is full of Python goodness and I
hope everyone will do their part and begin advocating both the event and
Python in general.

Jason Galyon

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