[Texas] PyTexas sponsorship

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 22:58:14 CEST 2010

I've updated the wiki page describing sponsorship opportunities for PyTexas.


There is now a statement of intent for accepting paid corporate
sponsorships for PyTexas 2011, since the PSF will presumably be
willing to act as the recipient for PyTexas sponsorship donations.
I've cc'd the PSF to begin the discussion on how this might work.

For this year's sponsorship, we could still use more swag. Right now,
we only have swag coming from GSOC, ZeOmega, Rackspace, and of course
the PyTexas shirts. Email has been sent to NoStarchPress, ZenOSS,
Wingware, and a few others. I'd really like attendees, especially
students new to Python, to see the diversity of companies with an
interest in Python, but unfortunately we haven't done a great job
about getting the word out to potential sponsors.

This is a good low cost opportunity for companies to distribute any
leftover promotional materials they may have stored in a box somewhere
:-) So if you have contact addresses for potential sponsors, please
let them know about PyTexas, or send me their contact info and I'll
contact them.

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