[Texas] PyTexas 2010 prize drawings -- need a volunteer

Ralph Green sfreader at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 17 19:25:25 CEST 2010

  ActiveState responded to my email request and they are donating a
license for Komodo IDE 5.  We need to list them as a sponsor.  I asked
them what image they want us to use and I'll update the wiki when I find
out.  The ActiveState rep gave me a redemption code, but I don't think I
should post that to the list.
  If no one has volunteered to coordinate prizes, I can do that.  I have
a random drawing program I used a Pycon a couple of years ago.  I'll
design our own ticket and print them at CompanyDallas.  Let me know if
someone else is already doing this.  I won't start until I know if I
should do it.
Good day,

On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 15:39 -0500, Brad Allen wrote:
> Today both Wingware and No Starch Press volunteered to donate prizes
> to PyTexas.
> We'll be getting an assortment of technical books for No Starch Press
> as well as The Mug of Vi.
> WingWare is donating two full WingIDE Professional cross-platform licenses.
> I like the way PyArkansas 2009 handled prize drawings, with every
> attendee getting multiple ticket stubs, to be dropped into the prize
> baskets most interested. For example, we could give each attendee 20
> tickets. One attendee may decide to that they most want the Mug of Vi,
> and put all her tickets into that one basket. Another attendee might
> have an interest in various books, and spread his tickets across
> various baskets.
> The Wing IDE licenses have a higher dollar value than anything else,
> so they could be referred to as grand prizes if we want to handle them
> differently somehow.
> So...does anyone want to volunteer to coordinate the prize drawing? We
> also need a volunteer to buy tickets and bring baskets.
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