[Texas] PyTexas 2010 prize drawings -- need a volunteer

Ralph Green sfreader at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 19 10:50:45 CEST 2010

On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 15:43 -0500, Jason Galyon wrote:
> if by 'boring and uninteresting' you are implying time proven and
> turn-key simple, then yes... the buying of tickets with stubs is
> great ;)
> lolol...
> ball's in your court now
  Were you trying to set me up with an easy one?  Your statement is like
the old one about the automobile.

"The horse is here today, but the automobile is only a novelty - a fad."
— President of Michigan Savings Bank advising against investing in the
Ford Motor Company

  I don't remember seeing you arrive at a meeting on a horse.
Good day,

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