[Texas] PyTexas MoinMoin wiki up and running!

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Sun May 2 20:19:21 CEST 2010


The PyTexas wiki is up and running!


Obviously that is not the DNS we want; hopefully Jeff can fix the DNS
to have continuity with previous year PyTexas sites.

Also, of course, we have some content-related work to do on the site,
including adding a left sidebar for navigation, and a better theme
than the default MoinMoin theme.

I'll be adding content over the next few days, but please feel free to
jump in and contribute.

A login is not required to edit the site; to prevent spam I've enabled
a security option called 'textcha'. However, if you intend to be a
regular contributor, please create a login so your contributions won't
be anonymous.

Here is some info on the 'textcha' feature:


If anyone is interested in helping with administering the site, please
contact me and let me know. This is a MoinMoin 1.9 site using Apache
with mod_wsgi.

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