[Texas] We have a PyTexas logo!

Brad Allen brad at allendev.com
Mon May 17 18:09:28 CEST 2010

Folks, checkout the logo Alan Beam contributed.

Thanks, Alan! I'll get it up on the wiki as soon as I can.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alan Beam <alan at alanbeam.net>
Date: Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:24 AM
Subject: PyTexas Logo
To: Brad Allen <brad at allendev.com>


I put a link to this image in the IRC channel last week, but I don't
think you were there. I threw this logo together as a contribution
towards PyTexas. I'm open to feedback or for someone else to take this
and improve upon it. I hope you find it helpful!


Alan Beam
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