[Texas] PyTexas survey

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Sun May 23 16:11:21 CEST 2010

During the DFW Python meeting yesterday, Jeff Rush provided some
useful feedback on the survey.

The part of the survey which deals with interests should not be a
ranking; each should be rated independently with an interest level of
1 (not interested) to 5 (highly interested).

Here are some questions to add:

Is there a Python user group in your area?

    Yes, I attend regularly
    Yes, I attend irregularly
    Yes, but I have never attended
    No, but I would be willing to help organize one
    No, but I would like to have one
    No, and I would not attend one

What is the nearest major city to where you live?

  Fort Worth
  San Antonio
  Corpus Christi
  Other (write in)

What is your zip code?  (should be optional)

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