[Texas] Trouble with one of the Koans

Mark Sharp msharp at sfbr.org
Fri Sep 3 16:57:24 CEST 2010

In the about_attribute_access.py of the Python 3.1 koans, the following class is defined. Although I can get the tests to pass, I am missing the point.

Do you know of any discussion of the koans? I have not located one. Alternatively can you direct me to someone that would be willing to explain what this class is teaching?


   class PossessiveSetter(object):
       def __setattr__(self, attr_name, value):
           new_attr_name =  attr_name

           if attr_name[-5:] == 'comic':
               new_attr_name = "my_" + new_attr_name
           elif attr_name[-3:] == 'pie':
               new_attr_name = "a_" + new_attr_name

           object.__setattr__(self, new_attr_name, value)

   def test_setattr_intercepts_attribute_assignments(self):
       fanboy = self.PossessiveSetter()

       fanboy.comic = 'The Laminator, issue #1'
       fanboy.pie = 'blueberry'

       self.assertEqual(__, fanboy.a_pie)

       prefix = '__'
       self.assertEqual("The Laminator, issue #1", getattr(fanboy, prefix + '_comic'))

R. Mark Sharp, Ph.D.
Director of Primate Records Database
Southwest National Primate Research Center
Southwest Foundation for
Biomedical Research
P.O. Box 760549
San Antonio, TX 78245-0549
Telephone: (210)258-9476
e-mail: msharp at sfbr.org<mailto:msharp at sfbr.org>

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