[Texas] Scipy 2011 Conference call for papers

Peter Wang pwang at streamitive.com
Wed Apr 6 18:39:57 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the SciPy 2011
conference.  The conference will be held in Austin, TX again this
year, at the AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center, and will
consist of tutorials, talks, and sprints spanning July 11th - 16th.

This year, there are two specialized tracks in additional to the main
series of talks: a "Python in Data Science" track, focusing on the use
of Python for analysis of large and social datasets, and a "Python and
Core Technologies" track, which will include talks on tools that are
useful for scientific computing but are not traditionally featured in
the science & engineering-centric main program.

Please see our website for more information:

I hope to see lots of fellow Texans there!


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