[Texas] No Starch Press prize books for PyTexas

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 14:22:02 CEST 2011

The Tangled Web looks interesting:

From: http://nostarch.com/tangledweb.htm

Description: The Tangled Web is destined to be the definitive guide to
web application security. Rather than simply enumerate known
vulnerabilities or lay down a series of commandments from on high,
famed security expert Michal Zalewski takes an in-depth look at how
browsers actually work, how to leverage their features, and what
pitfalls lurk in the shadows. An outgrowth of Zalewski's work on
Google's online Browser Security Handbook, The Tangled Web sheds light
on the uniqueness of the security challenges that engineers,
developers, and users face on the Web today. The book opens with a
detailed examination of browser security mechanisms, the historical
reasons behind their design, and their security consequences.
Subsequent chapters discuss the security aspects of specific web
technologies, including URLs, HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, the same-origin
policy, and HTML5. Readers looking for quick answers will appreciate
the cheat sheets in each chapter, which outline the most commonly
encountered problems and how to tackle them. An appendix offers a
glossary of well-known implementation vulnerabilities.

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