[Texas] PyTexas 2011 Sponsor Prospectus Needs Review

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 20:49:37 CEST 2011

I plan to deliver the sponsor prospectus as a PDF file, rather than a
wiki page, since once it's defined it should not be edited. Currently
it's in the form of a Google Doc which should be easy to convert to a

Please take a look. If you're interested in helping with editing or
design of the document, please let me know your input. Those of you
who have a gmail id can easily be invited to edit the document


Some of you who are past speakers at PyTexas are listed in this
document; please look for your name and let me know if you want the
text changed.

I want to send out this document as soon as possible, probably by Mon
or Tues, so if you have edits please let me know right away.

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