[Texas] PyTexas Schedule Needs Your Feedback

TalkTo PyTexas talk.to.us at pytexas.net
Tue Sep 6 06:50:40 CEST 2011

Hello Texas Python Community,

This email is going out to over 200 registered attendees (via bcc), and will
also be forwarded to the user groups.

PyTexas 2011 is coming this weekend, and our volunteers and sponsors have
been busy putting together a great conference. Over 200 attendees have
registered, which brings both greater excitement and greater challenges. I
believe we'll be well taken care of in the way of refreshments for everyone,
though we may exceed the capacity of some of the rooms.

It would help us greatly with the scheduling of the rooms if you could fill
out our Schedule Survey, to give us a reality check on whether you are still
coming, and which talks you plan to attend, whether you're going to the Sat
evening party, giving a lightning talk, etc.


This survey has multiple pages which cover the entire schedule. If you have
trouble deciding on some of the talks, you can find the links to all the
talks on the current version of the schedule posted at:


By the way, if you have not been following the announcements on the Texas
Python community mailing lists, please take a look at some the recent blog
postings, and our new public facing PyTexas website:

    http://blog.pytexas.org  -- news & updates
    http://www.pytexas.org  -- main website (Django-based)

In addition, the wiki at http://wiki.python.org has recently undergone a bit
of housecleaning, and it has lots of new and updated information.

Thanks, and please do fill out the survey quickly. We need the feedback as
soon as possible!

-- Brad Allen, PyTexas 2011 Chairman
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