[Texas] PyTexas 2015 Call for Proposal

Glen Zangirolami chair at pytexas.org
Sat May 23 19:21:07 CEST 2015

Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend in Texas!

The PyTexas 2015 Call for Proposals is now open! Submit your talk
proposals[1] today. Hey, you have some extra time this Memorial Weekend,
so eat an extra hamburger and before you fall into a food coma, submit
an idea for a lightning talk (5 min), short talk (20 min), long talk (50
min), or tutorial (3 hrs). See our Call for Proposals[2] for all the
details about speaking at PyTexas. We love both experienced and first
time speakers, so no matter what your age or background, summon your
inner honey badger and submit your talk ideas.

Glen Zangirolami _chair at pytexas.org_


  1. https://www.pytexas.org/2015/speakers/submit-talk
  2. https://www.pytexas.org/2015/speakers/call-for-proposals
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