[Tkinter-discuss] Re: Problem with Text widget's "see" method

Martin Franklin mfranklin1 at gatwick.westerngeco.slb.com
Fri Feb 18 12:05:15 CET 2005

Jared Cohen wrote:
>>I see you got lots of help on the 'see' problem I just wanted to point 
>>out the Text widget comes with it's own undo/redo methods as of Tk 8.4
>>so if you have an up to date Python & Tk you should be able to use them
> Thanks anyway, but the undo doesn't seem to work. It's weird, because 
> there IS an edit_undo() method in Tkinter.py (the Python wrapper), but 
> apparently, the underlying Tk doesn't understand the command. Oh well.

I guess your Tk version is not >= 8.4 thats too bad.

> Anyway, I still need some help with this "see" problem. Come on guys, 
> isn't there a way to fix this?

I have tried a couple of things but it boils down to the fact you are
replacing all the text in the widget, it just has to move (without the
see call it moves the viewpoint to the top of the text widget)  If I
were you I would investigate the IDLE undo / redo stuff Fredrik pointed
you to, it undoes / redoes just the small changes (not the entire
document)  I must admit *I* looked into that code when I needed undo /
redo in a small project, I couldn't quite grok the code, eventually the
need went away, but it would be nice if we could use the undo/redo from
idlelib on *any* Tkinter Text widget - I seem to remember when I was
looking at it it had a lot of idle dependencies... you couldn't just,
for example:

undoer = idlelib.Undoer(myTextWidget) # or whatever it's called

and have it look after the undo and redo 'ing of your text widget
would be nice if we could though;-)


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