[Tkinter-discuss] pybwidget

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Wed Jul 20 10:29:02 CEST 2005

I've been playing around with pybwidget a little and found two bugs
that stop the ListBox and Tree widgets from working.

First, the "plus" and "minus" bitmaps are missing from the images directory,
so you cannot set the drawcross option in bwidget.Tree.insert() to "auto" or "allways".

Second there's a typo in ListBox.insert():

__init__.py line 455:

    def insert(self, index, item="#auto", **kw):
        return self.tk.call(self._w, "insert", parent, item,# this must be "index"
                *self._options(kw))            ^^^^^^

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