[Tkinter-discuss] optionmenu insert

Pavel Kosina geon at post.cz
Wed May 3 13:37:31 CEST 2006

Michael Lange napsal(a):
> Oops, you are right. A look at Tkinter.OptionMenu shows that it is not that trivial.
> Tkinter wraps the command in its internal _setit class, so it should actually be:
>     from Tkinter import _setit
>     w['menu'].insert('end', 'command', label='blah', command=_setit(var, 'blah', ok))
> The arguments for the _setit constructor are: _setit(variable, value, callback) .
> Not very nice, indeed. Maybe it would be a nice improvement to Tkinter to add at least
> an insert() and a delete() method to Tkinter.OptionMenu .
yes, really ugly :-)
> If you do not want to use the "hidden" _setit() you might define another callback for the inserted items:
>     def ok_new(value):
>         var.set(value)
>         ok(value)
>     w['menu'].insert('end', 'command', label='blah', command=lambda : ok_new('blah'))
this works with me even without new ok_new - with the old one:

    w['menu'].insert('end', 'command', label='blah', command=lambda : ok('blah'))

> Maybe it is even nicer not to use an OptionMenu command at all and use a trace callback for the variable instead:
>>>> v = StringVar()
>>>> v.set('a')
>>>> def ok(*args):
> ...     print v.get()
> ... 
>>>> v.trace('w', ok)
> '-1216076380ok'
>>>> om = OptionMenu(r, v, 'a', 'b', 'c')
>>>> om.pack()
>>>> om['menu'].insert('end', 'command', label='foo', command=lambda : v.set('foo'))
I completely forgot about this kind of solution....
> At least you do not need a second callback this way.
> I hope this helps
Sure this helps. Thank you for all.

Pavel Kosina

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