[Tkinter-discuss] Multiple displays/monitors?

Cameron Laird Cameron at phaseit.net
Mon Jan 22 16:47:29 CET 2007

On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 03:38:12PM +0000, I advised:
> 			.
> 			.
> 			.
> > Is there a way to find out about multiple monitors through Tkinter?   
> > I played with a bunch of the winfo methods, but didn't figure  
> > anything out.  ALL :) I want to do is get the dimensions of the two  
> > (or more) displays and start the program in the center of the larger  
> > of the two for lack of a better plan.
> 			.
> 			.
> 			.
> No.
> I don't like bearing bad news.  It's apparently true, though:
> Tk itself, underlying Tkinter, has no clean way of getting at
> the information you're (sensibly!) after.  While <URL:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=533519&group_id=12997&atid=112997 > 
> is old, it remains an issue for quite a few current Tk maintainers.
> If the matter interests you enough, you can probably help achieve
> an enhancement in a forthcoming Tk release, which presumably would
> then be available in Tkinter.
> OR perhaps you could even take ideas from the Tk students, and 
> patch them directly into Tkinter.
> For now, though, there's no easy answer apart from, "No."
I should also mention <URL: http://wiki.tcl.tk/10872 >.

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