[Tkinter-discuss] TKinter ttk combobox Focusout event

Massimo POZZONI massimo.pozzoni at st.com
Tue Sep 20 04:05:36 EDT 2022

I find an issue with the Combobox events:

The <FocusOut> event is triggered also when the drop-down menu list is opened. (Basically it works as the FocusOut of the associated Entry, not of the ComboBox)
The <<ComboboxSelected>> event is triggered only when a selection is done from the list, but not if something is written inside the associated Entry.

My problem is that I need an event that is triggered when the overall combox widget is left,
which is not the FocusOut, because when I open the drop-down menu I am still using the widget,
and it is not the <<ComboboxSelected>> because if I left the widget after writing inside the associated Entry, the event is not triggered because no selection from list happens.

Is there any way to have an event that is triggered when the overall combobox is left, but not when the drop-down list is opened?



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