[Tracker-discuss] Import work begun.

Erik Forsberg forsberg at efod.se
Tue Nov 7 17:51:28 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1

Erik Forsberg <forsberg at efod.se> writes:

> Tomorrow I'll continue by adding the conversion scripts, and make a
> vendor drop of roundup 1.2.1 and bring in any relevant changes to
> tracker/instances/python-dev.

This is what I've done so far:

1) A Vendor drop of roundup 1.1.2 was imported to

2) The vendor drop was then copied (A.K.A tagged) to

4) /tracker/vendor/roundup/current/templates/classic was copied to
   /tracker/instances/python-dev as a base for our templates.

5) The instance from the python-tracker module in the roundup CVS
   repo. at sourceforge was then copied on top of
   /tracker/instances/python-dev. This was then commited.

   This gave us a /tracker/instances/python-dev which is based on
   1.1.2 then modified. That means we can se what changes we made
   compared to the base templates.

6) A vendor drop of the current roundup was added to
   /tracker/vendor/roundup/current. It was then tagged as

7) svn merge \
   svn+ssh://svn.python.org/tracker/vendor/roundup/current \
   <working copy of /tracker/instances/python-dev>

   ..was run. This applies changes between 1.1.2 and 1.2.1 to our
   tracker instance. 

8) Conflicts in the python-dev tracker instance were resolved.

9) /tracker/instances/python-dev were commited after some testing to
   see that it works well with roundup 1.2.1.

10) Added importer sources to /tracker/importer.

Summarizing the structure in SVN:

instances       A directory for tracker instances. Currently with one
                subdirectory - python-dev. If we start maintaining
                multiple instances, this is where to add them.

vendor          Vendor branch of roundup, and possibly other.

importer        The importer. 

Now working on getting the importer to work again. It's been a while
since I ran it, and there's been a new release of the sourceforge
tools from effbot due to changes on the sourceforge web site.

- -- 
Erik Forsberg                 http://efod.se
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