[Tracker-discuss] Server is ready

Roché Compaan roche at upfrontsystems.co.za
Thu Nov 9 10:19:54 CET 2006

The server is ready. Our sysadmin has a few questions, like which
roundup to install and where to install it. Can the list moderator add
him to the list - his name is Izak Burger. He has already added the SSH
keys you gave to the server, which is currently reachable at

This how we currently install roundup:

We don't install Roundup using debs, we install it from source
in /home/roundup owned by the roundup user. I suppose we must check out
a version from SVN?

We use Postfix as MTA that delivers to different trackers using 
.forward+trackername files in the roundup user's home directory. Do you
want deliver mail directly to Roundup or have read from a IMAP mailbox?

So far we have used the roundup server behind apache and that seems to
work quite well. Do you recommend we use mod_python?

We use both mysql and postgres as backend. One of our developers
recently fixed postgres' full text searching for Roundup so that might
make it a better option. Which do you prefer?

Are there any other setup dances you can think of?

Roché Compaan
Upfront Systems                 http://www.upfrontsystems.co.za

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