[Tracker-discuss] Server is ready

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Thu Nov 9 17:40:08 CET 2006

Erik Forsberg wrote:
> Roché Compaan <roche at upfrontsystems.co.za> writes:

>>> What must the web address of the web tracker be. For now we'll just make
>>> it metatracker.psf.upfronthosting.co.za until you point the
>>> bugs.python.org domain at the server.
> My idea on this is to let http://bugs.python.org/ be a simple index
> page, much like http://wiki.python.org/, listing the trackers
> available on the host. This way, if we choose to support jython, foo,
> bar or some other project in the future, it's just a matter of adding
> the tracker there after setting it up.

Right. In fact, I think 'issues.python.org' or 'tracker.python.org' would
be more suitable, since not everything tracked will be a bug.

> Mail addresses on the form <trackername>@bugs.python.org can then be
> used for the mail interface.

Or simply bugs at python.org, peps at python.org, etc. to get routed to the
appropriate tracker instance on this machine.

> This is however one of the things we should let the people from
> python-dev decide. 

I agree. Luckily, it doesn't really affect the tracker tuning, it's
only a handfull of entries in the config file...



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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