[Tracker-discuss] triage team?

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Thu Nov 9 19:34:00 CET 2006

Martin v. Löwis schrieb:
> Paul Dubois schrieb:
>> Do the developers want a triage team (a list of people who receive email
>> when a new issue is opened?). (As typically implemented this does not
>> put them on the nosy list for the issue, just makes sure somebody sees
>> every new issue).
> There currently is a mailing list for that: python-bugs-list at python.org.
> You can see the archive at
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-bugs-list/
> We definitely want to keep it; it is currently configured to get *all*
> changes to issues (not just when an report is added). Whether this is
> also needed should be discussed (by default, it should continue to work
> the way it always did, but if roundup offers alternative features, we
> may want to use them).

Definitely a +1 on that. I read the mailing list via gmane, which is very
comfortable (and does not clutter up my mailbox), and I would very much
like to continue doing that.

What should be discontinued, of course, is the extra list for patches.
When both issue types are unified, it doesn't make sense to keep
separated lists.


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