[Tracker-discuss] Roundup installed

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Sat Nov 11 14:46:32 CET 2006

Erik Forsberg wrote:
> Roché Compaan <roche at upfrontsystems.co.za> writes:
>>> Izak has completed the installation of Apache, Postfix and Roundup.
> Excellent!
>>> It is running at http://psf.upfronthosting.co.za/roundup/meta/ and you
>>> should be able to register as a user.
> I took the liberty of importing the data from http://efod.se/ptt into
> this tracker, which also means that if you had a user in that tracker,
> you should be able to use it in this tracker.

I tried to log in, but the tracker refused all the passwords I tried.
Could you please reset my password ? Alternatively, could you store
the admin password on psf.upfronthosting.co.za in a way that I can
read it when logged in via ssh. Then I could reset my password myself.
Thanks !

For the 'real' tracker, I'd suggest we use the anydbm while we still
prototype, so reinitialization is easy. We then need to write a simple
'regenerate' script that reinitializes the tracker such it becomes
immediately useful again. This implies, as I suggested earlier, that
a set of default users be created automatically.
For now there only seems to be a single role 'User'. I think we'll
have to add at least one or two more so we can start talking about
more fine-grained access control (e.g. 'User', 'Developer', 'Coordinator',...)

Also, should we rename 'issue' to something more specific, such as 'bug' ?
This would allow us to add other issue types later on, with distinct
work-flows (I use 'tasks' in some trackers to organize my work, for example).



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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