[Tracker-discuss] Question on Multiple Projects

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Nov 24 19:41:29 CET 2006

On 11/23/06, Napoleone, Doug <Doug.Napoleone at nuance.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>     My name is Douglas Napoleone and I am working on software for the python
> convention. I have been keeping track of the progress and figure it's time
> to ask some questions before the schema becomes set in stone.
> I was hoping a roundup project could be created for managing the pycon
> software bugs. I know roundup can do this at it's base, but I was not sure
> if there were any plans to have this support enabled as all the talk has
> been limited to python-dev.

The long-term hope is to host the trackers for several projects that
have any direct ties to python-dev.  Let us first get the python-dev
tracker up and catch our breath.  Then we will evaluate how we want to
handle adding more trackers for other groups.


> This is not a priority, and should not take any time away from the
> python-dev work. I also don't mind being a first run QA for the system if it
> helps.
> I have been using a wiki on the pycon site to manage bugs
> (http://us.pycon.org/TX2007/PyConTechBugs), but it is becomming
> unmaintainable. The system is going to be opened up to the public for anyone
> to volunteer and work on the code; a better bug system with feature
> management is going to be crucical. I have some privately hosted trac
> systems I could use for this year, worst case. As the code is hosted on
> svn.python.org, the long term wish is to have things unified.
> Thanks to everyone for all your hard work!
>     -Doug Napoleone
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