[Tracker-discuss] Feature/Change request handling procedure

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 26 13:56:20 CET 2006

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Paul Dubois schrieb:
>> I think the design discussion of 'milestone' tells us that we don't yet
>> know what we want so we should push that back to 'phase 2'. FWIW
>> certainly we set the due date from the issue; we have a meeting, decide
>> what goes in the next release, and the group leader goes and sets the
>> due date, or sets it after conversing with the assignee.
> Just as I wrote to Erik: in Python, we don't set due dates. It's all
> volunteers, so you can't force anybody to do something by a certain
> date.
> Even release plans follow that principle: the release (alpha, beta, rc,
> final) is on a scheduled date; what is done by that date is done, what
> isn't, is not done. So if somebody misses beta1, the new feature has
> to wait for the next release.

This is why I see milestones almost *defined* by the list of bugs they
contain: instead of assigning due dates to bugs, you define a milestone
to be reached once a set of bugs is fixed.

This is what I used in other projects, and I thought it might work
well in python-dev, too.



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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