[Tracker-discuss] [issue73] Issue numbering

Richard Jones metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za
Mon Jan 15 21:26:18 CET 2007

Richard Jones added the comment:

On 16/01/2007, at 5:03 AM, Erik Forsberg wrote:
> Right now, issue numbers are allocated by adding 1 to the number of
> the last issue already present in the database. As the sourceforge
> bugs imported had high numbers, newly created bugs will also get high
> numbers.
> I'm assuming we want to keep the old numbers for old bugs. I don't
> know how roundup will behave when a taken number appears if we start
> at a lower number, if it is at all possible.

At the end of import you should be telling the hyperdb what the next  
id sequence is and then it can allocate new ids correctly. You must  
definitely NOT start allocating at lower number - it'll then  
eventually reallocate the ids already used. The API call to do this is:

    self.db.setid(classname, str(maxid+1))

Meta Tracker <metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za>

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