[Tracker-discuss] spam auditor checked in

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sun Jun 10 23:01:14 CEST 2007

    >> I checked in a simple spam auditor.  In theory you should be able to
    >> install it.  If the connection to the XML-RPC server fails it just
    >> accepts the submission.  Still, it would be nice to have the server
    >> running.  Can someone help me get that up and running?

    mk> Your auditor won't work, because you use undefined variable CUTOFF
    mk> on line 35. Did you mean "if prob >= SPAM_CUTOFF"?

    mk> On line 29 you have "xmlrpclb" instead of "xmlrpclib".

    mk> You may also consider catching other exceptions on line 32, for
    mk> example xmlrpclib.ProtocolError.

Thanks.  I would have caught all those if I actually had something to run it
against.  Guess I should have at least run it through pylint.  :-( OTOH, at
least I know someone was looking. :-) I was beginning to wonder.

I've now fixed those bits and run it through pylint to boot, answering all
its complaints.


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