[Tracker-discuss] [issue267] Make the 'remove' buttons less annoying
Daniel Diniz
metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za
Wed Apr 8 04:47:14 CEST 2009
New submission from Daniel Diniz <ajaksu at gmail.com>:
I've seen many people delete messages by accident. Recently, Guilherme Polo
posted a workaround for re-adding them[1]. I've only added UI and a way to store
the issue ID on unlinking.
This patch adds an auditor to that stores the issue ID on a removed file or
message, and offers a 'restore' button on message or file item pages that allows
re-linking to the original issue.
The restore form is only shown for messages/files the unlink auditor marked with
an issue ID.
I'd also like to add JS guards (confirmations) to the remove buttons, will
provide a patch after most issue.item.html patches land.
[1] http://bugs.python.org/msg84430
files: undo_remove.diff
messages: 1313
nosy: ajaksu2
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Make the 'remove' buttons less annoying
PSF Meta Tracker <metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za>
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