[Tracker-discuss] [issue271] Message navigation links

Daniel Diniz metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za
Sun Apr 19 00:00:41 CEST 2009

New submission from Daniel Diniz <ajaksu at gmail.com>:

This patch adds a list of 'range(n)' numbered links below the "Messages (n)"
header so that navigating to an arbitrary message is easier. Each message shows
its link number (linked back to the list) left of the msgid link. 

It also adds "m" as an accesskey to the messages list, allowing one to, e.g.,
press "Alt+Shift+m" in Firefox and land at the list again (makes keyboard
navigation for reading much more comfortable IMO).

Demo: http://bot.bio.br/python-dev-exp/issue10

files: message_navigation.diff
messages: 1340
nosy: ajaksu2
priority: feature
status: unread
title: Message navigation links

PSF Meta Tracker <metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za>
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