[Tracker-discuss] [issue358] Deltas in summary report

Ezio Melotti metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za
Sun Oct 31 20:49:39 CET 2010

New submission from Ezio Melotti <ezio.melotti at gmail.com>:

The attached patch changes the values in the header of the summary report to display the difference with the previous week rather than the count of issues that have been created/closed.
I'll do some more tests before committing it.

See also http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-October/104840.html and http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-September/104054.html

assignedto: ezio.melotti
files: issue358.diff
messages: 1845
nosy: ezio.melotti, gbrandl, pitrou, r.david.murray
priority: feature
status: testing
title: Deltas in summary report

PSF Meta Tracker <metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za>
-------------- next part --------------
Index: scripts/roundup-summary
--- scripts/roundup-summary	(revision 86022)
+++ scripts/roundup-summary	(working copy)
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
 To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue.
 Do NOT respond to this message.
-Issues stats:
-  open   %(open)5d (%(open_new)+3d)
-  closed %(closed)5d (%(closed_new)+3d)
-  total  %(total)5d (%(total_new)+3d)
+Issues counts and deltas:
+  open   %(open)5d (%(open_delta)+3d)
+  closed %(closed)5d (%(closed_delta)+3d)
+  total  %(total)5d (%(total_delta)+3d)
 Open issues with patches: %(patches)-5d"""
@@ -207,29 +207,36 @@
         start_date, end_date = self.start_date, self.end_date
         start_str = start_date.pretty(format='%F') # %F -> yyyy-mm-dd
         end_str = end_date.pretty(format='%F')
+        # counters for current values
         open_tot = closed_tot = all_tot = 0
-        open_new = closed_new = all_old = 0
+        # counters for previous values
+        open_old = closed_old = all_old = 0
         with_patch = 0
         patch_id = DB.keyword.lookup('patch')
         for id, issue in self.issues.iteritems():
             # don't include issues created after the end date
             if issue['creation'] > end_date:
+            all_tot += 1
             if issue['creation'] < start_date:
                 all_old += 1
-            all_tot += 1
+                # check if the issue was closed at the end of the previous
+                # period
+                if issue['last_period_status'] in OPTIONS.resolved:
+                    closed_old += 1
+                else:
+                    open_old += 1
+            # check if the issue is closed now
             if issue['closed']:
                 closed_tot += 1
-                if issue['closed_date'] >= start_date:
-                    closed_new += 1
                 open_tot += 1
-                if ((issue['creation'] >= start_date) or
-                    (issue['reopened_date'] >= start_date)):
-                    open_new += 1
                 if patch_id in issue['keyword_ids']:
                     with_patch += 1
-        all_new = all_tot - all_old
+        all_delta = all_tot - all_old
+        open_delta = open_tot - open_old
+        closed_delta = closed_tot - closed_old
+        assert all_delta == open_delta + closed_delta
         # save the values in an attribute to avoid calculating it twice
         # when both the txt and the HTML header are needed (i.e. when sending
         # HTML mails)
@@ -237,9 +244,9 @@
             timespan='%s - %s' % (start_str, end_str),
-            open=open_tot, open_new=open_new,
-            closed=closed_tot, closed_new=closed_new,
-            total=all_tot, total_new=all_new,
+            open=open_tot, open_delta=open_delta,
+            closed=closed_tot, closed_delta=closed_delta,
+            total=all_tot, total_delta=all_delta,
         return header % self.header_content
@@ -497,6 +504,7 @@
         msgs_in_period = 0,
         status = None,
         real_status = sid2name(attrs['status']), # Avoid a bug in get_issue_attrs
+        last_period_status = None, # the status of the issue before start_date
         actor = None,
         activity = None,
         keyword_ids = kwds,
@@ -543,6 +551,8 @@
     # this trick catches the first time we are in the interval of interest
     if helper['activity2'] < dates.to_value:
         update(issue, helper)
+    status_changes = []
+    old_time = issue['creation']
     for _, time, userid, act, data in helper['journal']:
         in_period =  dates.to_value > time >= dates.from_value
         if in_period:
@@ -558,6 +568,8 @@
                     issue['msgs_in_period'] -= 1
             if 'status' in data:
                 helper['status1'] = sid2name(data['status'])
+                status_changes.append((old_time, helper['status1']))
+                old_time = time
                 if time < dates.to_value:
                     # want the last reopener only
                     if reopened(helper) and not issue['reopened']:
@@ -573,6 +585,16 @@
                     issue['real_status'] in OPTIONS.resolved):
                     issue['closer'] = userid
                     issue['closed_date'] = time
+    status_changes.append((old_time, issue['real_status']))
+    # if the status didn't change and this is still None set it to 'open',
+    # leave it to None for new issues
+    if issue['creation'] < dates.from_value:
+        print issue['issue_num'], status_changes
+        for time, status in status_changes:
+            if time < dates.from_value:
+                issue['last_period_status'] = status
+        if issue['last_period_status'] is None:
+            issue['last_period_status'] = 'open'
     # get these set if not done before
     update(issue, helper)
     last_opened = issue['reopened_date'] or issue['creation']

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