[Tracker-discuss] [issue469] E-mails with S/MIME (SMIME) signatures should not create attachments

Jason R. Coombs metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za
Fri Jun 15 19:34:46 CEST 2012

New submission from Jason R. Coombs <jaraco at jaraco.com>:

When an e-mail is sent signed with a digital signature, the gateway sees the signed payload as an attachment and adds it to the issue. It should instead ignore the S/MIME payload or even verify the signature.

messages: 2548
nosy: jaraco
priority: feature
status: unread
title: E-mails with S/MIME (SMIME) signatures should not create attachments

PSF Meta Tracker <metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za>

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