[Tracker-discuss] [issue582] Placing the issue tracker under the PSF CoC

Brett C. metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za
Fri Mar 4 16:51:40 EST 2016

New submission from Brett C.:

I was figuring something as simple as linking to https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/ with the text of "Code of Conduct" next to "Legal Statement" in the footer, e.g. "Legal Statements, Code of Conduct" or it could replace the "Website maintained by the Python community" text since that is more about www.python.org.

messages: 3015
nosy: brett.cannon
priority: feature
status: unread
title: Placing the issue tracker under the PSF CoC

PSF Meta Tracker <metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za>

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