[TriZPUG] plone buildout vs. unified installer

joshua.r.smith joshua.r.smith at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 01:59:35 CET 2009

Hey guys, this is Joshua. I went to a few of your meetings when I was  
still living in the area before moving to Pittsburgh. I was the guy  
talking about using plone and LaTeX to make a solution archive for  
problem sets in science and engineering. I've been working on this  
project in my (vanishingly small) spare time and I've run into a  
snarl: I don't understand why the unified installer seems to install  
everything (python 2.4, zope, and plone), but doing a buildout  
(following Martin Aspeli's tutorial) seems to install zope, but not  
plone. I'm sure that its a simple issue and I'm guessing you guys can  
help me. Apologies in advance for being such a noob.

I downloaded the Plone 3.1.6 r2 unified installer a few months back  
and I've been trying to install a buildout locally on my machine. Once  
I uncompressed the package, I executed

Beeta:Plone-3.1.6-r2-UnifiedInstaller jrsmith3$ ./install.sh standalone

in order to get everything set up in /Users/jrsmith3/Plone-3.1. It  
looks like plone, zope, and python 2.4 get installed into that  
directory and I can run:

jrsmith3$ ~/Plone-3.1/zinstance/bin/instance start

to start up zope and plone. I can use my browser to go to




to see the zope landing page and my plone install, respectively.

This is all great, but I want to be able to make a plone buildout in a  
different location for the purposes of hacking, so that in the event  
that I break something I can just wipe out the directory and start  
over. Also, once I get my LaTeX product set up I want to be able to  
use a buildout to install a fully working plone setup. From what I  
understand, I can make modifications to the default buildout and  
install custom products using buildout.cfg, so I think I'm on the  
right track.

So, I try to follow Martin Aspeli's tutorial


to make some buildouts. It looks like it works if I use python 2.4  
installed in ~/Plone-3.1/Python-2.4 instead of my system python. I do:

$ ~/Plone-3.1/Python-2.4/bin/paster create -t plone3_buildout myproject

cd into the myproject dir, run bootstrap.sh and buildout, and then I  
can see the zope landing page in my browser. The problem is, I can't  
see http://localhost:8080/Plone/ in my browser. What is going on, and  
what am I missing here? Does buildout not install plone? Why is the  
unified installer install plone?

Thanks in advance for your patience with such a noob question.

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