[TriZPUG] Can we change our name?

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Wed Nov 11 16:11:36 CET 2009

On 11/11/2009 8:31 AM, T. Bryan wrote:
> Chris Calloway wrote:
>> The first meeting was Tuesday, October 8, 2002 at Veritas Software in 
>> RTP.
>> Geoff Davis gave a presentation on, ahem, Plone. 
> Really?  Ow.  I should have checked my archives on that one.

Forgiveable. Because the archives show you missed the first meeting. :)

>> This was our "website" for the first couple of years:
>> http://www.zope.org/DevHome/Members/tbryan/TriZPUG/FrontPage
> Wow.  I didn't even realize that page was still around.  Cool.  :)
> Should I make a copy/archive of those pages on trizpug.org just in case 
> we lose them on zope.org?

I think you just called shotgun. At least, that's how I interpret 
"should I?" questions in a TriZPUG context.

I've wanted to do just that for a really, really long time. Because not 
having it on trizpug.org makes our institutional memory look shorter 
than it is. This recently led another ZPUG which is younger than us by 
over two years to make a public claim that they were the first and 
oldest ZPUG. Not True! TriZPUG is the oldest ZPUG. July 25, 2002 is our 

It is becoming more urgent to copy this over because zope.org is about 
to undergo yet another overhaul any day now without warning. The current 
zope.org will be copied to old.zope.org. And our institutional memory is 
already on the current version of old.zope.org (although it doesn't look 
like it). I don't know if the impending copy means that the current 
old.zope.org will be lost or overwritten or not. Anyway, there a no 
guarantees that the old TriZPUG files on zope.org won't become even more 
inaccessible in the near future.

So, Tom, if you want to be the agent insuring our history remains 
available, please have at it with my thanks. You are a site manager and 
have all the permissions you need to structure this however you want. I 
always had delusions I was gonna recreate old meeting announcements for 
the /meetings page and create some /about page which contained a TriZPUG 
history. But I think even just grabbing copies of that zope.org stuff 
and uploading it as files just to protect them suffices for low hanging 


Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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