[TriZPUG] TriZPUG August 2012 Meeting: Maintaining Your Sanity While Maintaining Your Open Source App

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Thu Aug 9 20:33:36 CEST 2012

When: Thursday, August 23, 7pm

Where: WebAssign, NCSU Centennial Campus,
        1791 Varsity Drive, Suite 200, Raleigh

What: Mark Lavin, Django developer extraordinaire at Caktus Consulting 
Group, will present his upcoming DjangoCon 2012 talk, "Maintaining Your 
Sanity While Maintaining Your Open Source App." There will likely be 
discussion of preparations for the upcoming PyCarolinas conference, too. 
Extemporaneous "lightning talks" of 5-10 minute duration are also 
welcome as always. Please join us at our first meeting at WebAssign and 
share your Python experiences. Plenty of free after hours parking will 
be available in the adjacent Centennial Campus decks. An after-meeting 
location for food and beverage will be decided at the meeting.


Chris Calloway http://nccoos.org/Members/cbc
office: 3313 Venable Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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