[TriPython] Ansible and Python

Art artem.nesterenko at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 16:44:59 EST 2019

Hi guys!

I have a quick question for those who have experience in Ansible. I've went
through multiple resources, but it didn't really help.

I'm using ansible 2.6.4 and python 2.6.6. I have a small working example of
an ansible playbook:

where in the first task (line 7) I store the output in the declared
variable (line 9) and then in the second task (line 11) I parse the value
of that variable (string), do the checking and if True then execute the
task (line 13).

Is there a way I can pass the value of that variable to custom python
script, do the parsing like:

def get_python_version(output):
    return output.split(" ")[-1]

and then somehow return the result back to ansible playbook task and do the
version checking?

If someone can refer me to a good example that would be great.

Thank you!

Art Nestsiarenka
email: artem.nesterenko at gmail.com
-------------- next part --------------
   Hi guys!
   I have a quick question**for those who have experience in Ansible. I've
   went through multiple resources, but it didn't really help.
   I'm using ansible 2.6.4 and python 2.6.6. I have a small working example
   of an ansible playbook:
   where in the first task (line 7)**I store the output in the declared
   variable (line 9)**and then in the second task (line 11)**I parse the
   value of that variable (string), do the**checking and if True then execute
   the task (line 13).**
   Is there a way I can pass the value of that variable to custom python
   script, do the parsing like:
   def get_python_version(output):
   ****** return output.split(" ")[-1]
   and then somehow**return the result back to ansible playbook task and do
   the version checking?
   If someone can refer me to a good example that would be great.
   Thank you!
   Art Nestsiarenka
   email: [2]artem.nesterenko at gmail.com


   Visible links
   1. https://github.com/ArtyomMinsk/ansible_playground/blob/master/python_version.yml
   2. mailto:artem.nesterenko at gmail.com

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