[TriPython] Causal AI: The Key to High-Stakes Decision Making

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Thu Nov 30 16:59:38 EST 2023


Please see below about a webinar of interest to TriPython given by one of our members.  Earlier in the year I saw Chris Lam give a presentation on AI design bias at the Research Triangle Analysts Analytics Forward unconference. I was so impressed that I made a bunch of noise about it at RENCI until National Consortium for Data Science agreed to invite Chris to present it again as part of their DataBytes webinar series. It was so well received that MCDS are having Chris back for another webinar on the technologies backing his previous presentation. I highly recommend this to you and hope you will find the time to attend remotely this coming Tuesday.


Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

In early 2023, the National Consortium for Data Science rebooted DataBytes, a webinar series, with the intention of providing a platform to connect academia with emerging data science talent in industry.

In June, we hosted Christopher Lam, Founder and CEO of Epistamai<https://www.epistam.ai/>. Chris presented “AI Ethics Through the Lens of Causality: A Theory of Fairness” (watch the YouTube recording here<https://youtu.be/eWHQ_mZCKQc?si=WASDuhoMAgyUdDdX>). In that session, Chris showed how to model a principal cause of algorithmic bias and directly map it to the two fundamental laws of causal inference. Additionally, he showed how to bridge the field of causal inference to machine learning, providing us with a novel way to visualize the different ways that a supervised machine learning model can discriminate. These causal models may help policymakers on both sides of the aisle to modernize AI regulations so that they are aligned to society’s values.

We’re delighted for Chris to return next week to present, “Causal AI: The Key to High-Stakes Decision Making<https://datascienceconsortium.org/upskilling/databytes/>”. There has been tremendous attention to the generative AI wave and its enormous potential to transform industries. But there is a hidden wave developing right behind it called causal AI. Whereas generative AI is optimized for low-stakes decisions like chatbots and image generation, it is not designed to address issues like ethics or trustworthiness that are essential for using AI in high-stakes decisions like credit and hiring decisions. This is where causal AI fits into the picture.

In this presentation, Lam will discuss how to use causal AI to build AI systems that society can trust for high-stakes decision making.

  *   He’ll show how causal AI can help bridge the gap between symbolic AI and machine learning, demonstrating the value of integrating human knowledge and reasoning about the world to improve how data is analyzed.
  *   Through a use case, he’ll demonstrate how this more human-centric approach to AI can be used to build fairer and more equitable AI systems that are aligned with society's democratic values.
  *   Finally, he will describe a new causal hierarchy, one that integrates machine learning with causal inference and system dynamics.

Register now<https://renci.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TIiTZ24JRlqLZqkoc9WiOA#/registration> for this hour-long Zoom webinar from 4pm-5pm ET on Tuesday, December 5th.

Here are a few points to keep in mind about this event:

  *   The presentation will last the full hour.
  *   Chris will remain on the webinar for a brief Q&A session following the event.
  *   A recording of the event will be available on our website the week of December 18.
  *   Although it is not required, please consider watching the June DataBytes webinar on Causal AI here<https://youtu.be/eWHQ_mZCKQc?si=WASDuhoMAgyUdDdX>.

We encourage you to invite friends and colleagues to join us, this webinar is free and open to the public. Please direct all questions via email to NCDS Associate Director Amanda Miller (amiller at renci.org<mailto:amiller at renci.org>).

Amanda C. Miller
Associate Director
National Consortium for Data Science<https://datascienceconsortium.org/>
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
100 Europa Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27517-7583
Mobile: 917-548-1591
amiller at renci.org<mailto:amiller at renci.org>
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