[Tutor] new bie help

webby armstrong sifl-olly@usa.net
25 Aug 99 11:26:21 EDT

Hello everyone,

I have been going through the tutorial and have encounter a few 
gliches or bugs.  After repeating steps over and over again I 
have found no fault of my own.  I have noticed that some of the
steps performed word only in the command line mode while others 
only work in the GUI mode (python shell) why is this?

the other weird occurance was that I was unable to turn off the
command line mode or even continue after entering this script:

>>> while 1:
...       pass # Busy-wait for keyboard interrupt 

this is found in the 4.5 section of the tutorial, defining functions

Control 'Z' would not work either, and I have to shut it down using 
MS "X" close page button exiting with out saving. is this normal?


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