[Tutor] Just getting started in Python

kjhagen@mmm.com kjhagen@mmm.com
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 10:00:18 -0500

I verified that the interpreter works by doing the following:

>>> 12*12
>>> import string
>>> string.split ("hello world")
['hello', 'world']

This all works fine in both the python shell and command line windows.  I
start working my way though the "Learning Python" book and when asked to
run a module file on page 13, I get the following error message at the NT
command prompt line.

"The name specified is not recongnized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file"

I typed my "spam.py" file in as follows, using WordPad.  I saved the file
"spam.py" as a text file.

import sys
print sys.argv

Why am I not able to get this simple progam to run at the "C:\misc\book"
prompt in NT4.0?

Ken Hagen