[Tutor] Python Picture

Joseph J. Strout joe@strout.net
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 10:56:45 -0800

At 10:45 AM -0800 03/10/99, GBCGOLF@aol.com wrote:

>I'm finishing a "beginners" paper on Python (i.e.: please have mercy, I'm a
>newbie.)  I would like to put the "Python" symbol (prefer full snake icon over
>snake head icon) on the first page of a MS Word (Office 97) document.

Hi Beth,

Python's proper symbol is not a snake, but a 16-ton falling weight.  From
the documentation (section 1.4): "By the way, the language is named after
the BBC show ``Monty Python's Flying Circus'' and has nothing to do with
nasty reptiles..."

-- Joe
|    Joseph J. Strout           Biocomputing -- The Salk Institute |
|    joe@strout.net             http://www.strout.net              |