[Tutor] Matching problem....
Deirdre Saoirse
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 19:14:57 -0700 (PDT)
On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Patrick Phalen wrote:
> [Deirdre Saoirse, on Thu, 07 Oct 1999]:
> :: I guess this is a question I was wondering about (and didn't explicitly
> :: state): is it reasonable to assume that a mailbox (or even that a whole
> :: message) for a pop session will fit in RAM?
> Several weeks ago, on one of the servers I do work on, I encountered a
> miadmin (Illustra) mailbox which had grown to 110 MB. :)
Well, I'm going to stick (temporarily) with the icky but workable solution
of spawning a grep process. I can read in chunks of the file when I need
to send it.
110 MB would take a LONG time at 56k....
Anyhow, I'm having a lot of fun today. :)
_Deirdre * http://www.linuxcabal.net * http://www.deirdre.net
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