[Tutor] re: I have been playing with mandelbrot and julia set creators written with Python

Charles Gruschow, Jr. c.gruschow@prodigy.net
Sun, 27 Aug 2000 17:51:22 -0500

These were written by Ivam Van Laningham in his book "Teach Yourself Python
In 24 Hours".
The website he has relating to the book, I hope its ok if I give this out,
is: http://www.pauahtun.org/TYPython/
He talks about Mandelbrot and Julia sets in chapter 23.

according to my understanding:

mandelbrot set is: z=z^2+c
z starts out at 0j (j being the square root of -1, "the imaginary number")
you pick a value of c (a complex number such as -0.5+0.8j)
the values of c come from the y-axis(the complex plane) and the x-axis(the
real plane) intersection plane
we limit ourselves to a field of 160,000 points picked out from -2.0 to 2.0
on both axes

julia set is also: z=z^2+c
but: c stays at a constant value
the initial z changes depending upon which point on the x-y plane we choose
as our starting point

the number of iterations it takes to reach an absolute value of z of greater
than 2.0 gives us our color
the more iterations it takes the slower the attraction toward infinity (the
object of these sets is to look for infinite attractors)

the values that don't approach infinity or approach infinity very slowly are
in our set, and they are colored black

for each point in the Mandelbrot set there is a corresponding Julia set

the Mandelbrot set is claimed to be bigger than our universe


----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Yoo <dyoo@hkn.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
To: Charles Gruschow, Jr. <c.gruschow@prodigy.net>
Cc: <tutor@python.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 4:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] I have been playing with Ivan Lan Laningham's
mandelbrotand julia set creators written with Python, they are neat!

> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Charles Gruschow, Jr. wrote:
> > I have been playing with Ivan Lan Laningham's mandelbrot and julia set
> > creators written with Python, they are neat!
> Cool, can you email us the link too?  I'd like to see it.