[Tutor] Function output

David Porter jcm@bigskytel.com
Tue, 27 Jun 2000 07:11:22 -0600

* William Perry <wmperry@903internet.com>:

> >>> class rollum:
>  def funct1 (self):
>   s = " Hello World"
>   return s
>  def output (self):
>   a = funct1()
>   return a

'a = funct1()' should be 'a = self.funct1()'.

> >>> rollum.output()
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "<pyshell#42>", line 1, in ?
>     rollum.output()
> TypeError: unbound method must be called with class instance 1st argument

This error means that you need to create an instance of the class:

class Rollum:
    def output(self):
        s = " Hello World"
        return s

r = Rollum()
print r.output()

I rewrote your code because the original output() function didn't do
anything more than funct1(). Also, this may be just a personal preference,
but I find python code much more easy to read if functions are written
without a space between the name and parenthesis (you do this half of the

Hope this helps,
