[Tutor] question on getattr..

Kevin Liang kevin@vcn.bc.ca
Thu, 11 May 2000 11:14:34 -0400

   I'm stumped on a line of code about the getattr function..

class wrapper:
	def __init__(self,object):
		self.wrapped = object
	def __getattr__(self, attrname):
		print 'Trace:', attrname
		return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)

  I know you need the last line to acutally use built-in functions for lists,
dictionaries, etc.. (e.g. append something), but what does it mean ? Why is a return needed ?  I keep thinking its supposed to print something..


"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no
path and leave a trail"  -Ralph Waldo Emerson