[Tutor] Help!

Remco Gerlich scarblac@pino.selwerd.nl
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 16:25:22 +0200

On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 07:07:41AM -0700, claudia flores wrote:
> I have a question, i have no idea how to program at all!!! if anyone has
> any links where i can turn to i would greatly appreciate it , or any books
> i can turn to!!!

There are a few tutorials out there for people completely new to programming.
Your best bet would be to play with some of those and see how you do.

By Alan Gauld, he is on this list too. I get no reply at the moment,
is it down?

Looks bare and technical but really explains everything well.

This one is pretty short.

If you have problems with the tutorials, this is a good place to ask.

Hopefully you are already comfortable *using* your computer - you'll  need
to download and install some software, use a text editor, that sort of thing.

Have fun :)

Remco Gerlich