[Tutor] How does python find the modules I install ???

Tesla Coil tescoil@irtc.net
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 03:37:14 -0500

On 16 August 2001, Andy Dustman wrote:
> I only just came in on this thread, 

That's fair.  I didn't even have in mind to
install MySQL-python when I dropped in here. :}

> but if you get the MySQL-python sources, enter
> it's root directory, and run:
> python2 setup.py bdist_rpm --python=/usr/bin/python2
> you will get nice RPMS for python2 (adjust paths).

Snappy, and does a great job.  On SuSE >=7.1, the
command should be directed to python2.0, and if one
has the Personal Edition, python-devel.rpm will need 
to be ftp'd and installed in addition to the obvious
MySQL rpms.

Thanks. You really should visit us more often...